Unknown Gunmen: Arrested Native Doctor names over 16 Accomplices in Anambra.


Unknown Gunmen: Arrested Native Doctor names over 16 Accomplices in Anambra.

 As  Police Rescue 4 Kidnap Victims. Neutralizes Kingpin.


The arrested Native Doctor implicated in the killing of the Anambra lawmaker Okey Okoye has since being on police custody been making confessional statements naming over sixteen members of his killer gang.

The Native Doctor also named major hide outs and camps where kidnap victims are being kept and at the moment more renforcements of officers and men of the Joint Task Force on security JTF has arrived Anambra and has commenced operations.

This is coming as the Police Command rescued four kidnap victims from the den of bandits which led to the killing of a kingpin popularly known as Sampolo during exchange of gun fire.

According to the Anambra Police Public Relations Officer DSP Tochukwu Ikenga in a press statement . "Based on intelligence gathered which indicated the location of a Kidnapped victim at Neni in Anaocha local government area, the police operatives working with the Vigilante stormed the location on Sunday 5th June 2022 rescued the victims and arrested one Emeka who was suspected of complicity in the crime.

Upon interrogation he confessed to the crime and lead the detectives to the hide out of the gang in Oba town in Idemili South local government area where detectives engaged the gangsters in a shoot out .

"The gang leader one Chinedu Ajaogu aka Sampolo was gunned down and five others including their Native Doctor were arrested for interrogation and prosecution".

The command recovered one SMG Rifle, one Beretta pistol, Two locally made revolver pistols, one Dagger, one Biafra Flag.

 Other this recovered by the Command are Two pairs of ESN uniform , Two Berets, Two web belts , Assorted charms  and one SUV snatched from a Reverend Father in Awgbu last month.


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